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Finca Gascon - UNCOMMON

Guatemala Red Honey Blackberry, Currant & Prunes A Caturra where after an initial oxidation phase 50% of the mucilage is removed to be dried as a 'red' honey.

DECAF - El Vergel - Plot

Colombia Washed Caramel, Berries This is an Ethyl Acetate Decaffeinated Caturra from Shady and Elias Bayter



Butegana - UNCOMMON

Burundi Yeast Innoculated Natural Passionfruit & Blackberry Kombucha A short yeast fermentation of only 12 hours takes place before slow drying on raised beds.

Grape Typhoon Assault - People Possession

Colombia Grape Co-Fermented Grape Soda A Colombian blend made by People Posession.

(1) Wilton Benitez - People Possession

Colombia Anaerobic Fermented Washed Lime, Ginger, Fruit Punch This 36hr Castillo is one of the two coffees from Granja Paraiso farm in the Huila region of Colombia.

Finca Milan - Kawa

Colombia Nitrogen Process - Washed Watermelon Candy, Coconut Water This is a coffee from Julio Madrid, a third generation farmer who's daughter, Maria Antonia Madrid, is a biologist who has studied the organoleptic impact of using micro-bacteria to initiate post-harvest coffee


ESPRESSO: £5.7 ~ FILTER: £6.5

Los Rodriguez - DAK

Bolivia Carbonic Macerated Blackcurrant , Vanilla, Grapes This Batian variety coffee has been subjected to 11 days of carbonic maceration in stainless steel tanks and dried for 50 hours.

Elkin Guzman - People Possession

Colombia Anaerobic Fermented Washed Rose, Raspberry, Passion Fruit The Catiope cherries are pulped and deposited inside a fully sealed 200-liter plastic can along with the 80 liters of the fermented spiced solution that had been previously prepared. This is known as 'Pink Champagne process'.

(2) Wilton Benitez - People Possession

Colombia Double Anaerobic Washed Orange Candy This Orange Bourbon is the second coffee we have from Wiltons farm. It has been fermented anaerobically with sterilised fruit in a bio-reactor with added microorganisms. After this fermentation the coffee is pulped and subjected to a second fermentation.

Nestor Lasso - DAK

Colombia Thermal Shock Lime Yoghurt, Chrysanthemun The Chiroso variety beans undergo a three stage fermentation followed by thermal shock.



3D - People Possession

Colombia / Guatamala Double Fermented Washed Mango Lassi, Lychee, Yuzu Dragon Dolphin Dream is a blend of Geisha / Pink Bourbon.

Mauricio Shattah - DAK

Colombia Anaerobic Natural Violet, Yellow Melon, Banana This is a wush wush variety from Finca La Negrita.

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